Leading growthbusiness in Spain

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ACEITES DE LAS HERAS among the 500 companies that lead growthbusiness in Spain

The Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CEPYME) has recognized ACEITES DE LAS HERAS S.L.U. as one of the 500 companies nationwide, “that lead business growth both for its results obtained in recent years, and for its capacity to generate activity and employment, potential for innovation and international projection “.

This recognition, framed in the Cepyme 500 project, aims to give visibility to companies that, like ACEITES DE LAS HERAS, comply with rigorous billing requirements, sustained growth, size and profitability that define them as leaders and that show their genetics predisposition to grow and improve day by day.


PROYECTOS DE DIGITALIZACIÓN DE PYME (DIGITALIZA-CV) 2023. Cofinanciado por la Unión Europea. Expediente es IMDIGA/2023/233

CONSULTORIA ESTRATEGICA INTERNACIONALIZACION. Cofinanciado por la Unión Europea. Expediente: ITCOES/2023/65.

Col·labora: Suport a la promoció exterior de La Comunitat Valenciana 2023 Import rebut: 7085,68€

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