Plan of Equality

Plan of Equality

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We are very proud that Aceites de las Heras has acquired the category of “Fent Company. Equals in Opportunities “, thanks to our internal Plan of equality applied within our company.  We obtained this category visa granted by the competent body.

Equal opportunities for women and men

This equality Plan refers to equal opportunities between men and women in the business field. We sincerely believe that this factor is decisive for business success, and our plan includes a number of measures and guarantees aimed at eliminating discrimination in the work environment.

The implantation of plans of equality in the companies manages to increase the satisfaction of women and men, it gives benefits to the companies, it obtains a better working environment, greater work motivation and, consequently, fewer staff turnovers.

Within the policies of equality of opportunities between women and men of the councils, establishes the creation of the “Seal of equal Company Quality”, which is a quality seal that implies a recognition to the companies of the Valencian community that stand out by The application of equality policies and that have obtained the visa of their plans of equality.

The period of validity

It has been agreed the validation and granting of the visa of the Plan of equality presented and the use of the label “Fent Company. Equals in Opportunities “to Aceites de las Heras, S.L.U. for a period of 4 years dating from 1st of June 2017 to 1st of June 2021.


PROYECTOS DE DIGITALIZACIÓN DE PYME (DIGITALIZA-CV) 2023. Cofinanciado por la Unión Europea. Expediente es IMDIGA/2023/233

CONSULTORIA ESTRATEGICA INTERNACIONALIZACION. Cofinanciado por la Unión Europea. Expediente: ITCOES/2023/65.

Col·labora: Suport a la promoció exterior de La Comunitat Valenciana 2023 Import rebut: 7085,68€

Promoció exterior de La Comunitat Valenciana