Improving olive trees and vineyards: Towards a more resilient agriculture


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Increasing the resistance of olive trees to drought, extreme temperatures or soil limiting factors is the objective of a research project under the European FROOTS project. The aim is to achieve genetic improvements that will make these trees more resistant to environmental stresses, thus ensuring sustainable production in a context of climate change, by crossing the rootstocks of different olive varieties.

In parallel to these initiatives, increasing attention is being paid to the care of vineyards, which are essential for the production of grapes for winemaking. Viticulture faces challenges similar to those of olive growing, especially related to water stress, rising temperatures and soil degradation.

Genetic improvements and management techniques in vines

As in olive trees, crosses between grapevine varieties are being explored to develop more resistant plants. These new varieties not only have the potential to better withstand adverse conditions, but may also offer improved organoleptic characteristics for the wines they produce.

In terms of management techniques, strategies such as:

  • Efficient drip irrigation: Allows reducing water consumption and ensuring a constant supply at critical stages of grape development.
  • Mulching: Used to protect soils, prevent erosion and improve water retention, in addition to promoting biodiversity.
  • Selective pruning: Facilitates yield regulation and ensures better sun exposure for optimal grape development.
  • Integrated pest and disease control: Minimizes the use of chemicals and protects both plants and the environment.

Impact on olive oil and wine production

These practices not only seek to ensure crop sustainability, but also have a direct impact on product quality. In the case of olive trees, a tree that is more resistant and adapted to extreme climatic conditions can produce olives with a higher content of antioxidants and compounds beneficial to health.

On the other hand, improvements in the vines ensure grapes with better properties for winemaking, directly influencing the flavor, aroma and structure of the wines. Varieties adapted to heat, for example, can produce wines with unique aromatic profiles that reflect the characteristics of the terroir.

In short, in both olive breeding and vineyard care, the combination of genetic innovation and sustainable agricultural practices represents a key strategy for meeting current and future environmental challenges, ensuring the production of high quality products with a reduced impact on the environment.


PROYECTOS DE DIGITALIZACIÓN DE PYME (DIGITALIZA-CV) 2023. Cofinanciado por la Unión Europea. Expediente es IMDIGA/2023/233

CONSULTORIA ESTRATEGICA INTERNACIONALIZACION. Cofinanciado por la Unión Europea. Expediente: ITCOES/2023/65.

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