Category Archives: General

Production of private label olive oil

INTRODUCTION: What is private label? The International Council of the Private Label Manufacturers Association explains[...]

Organic food and its benefits

In a world that is increasingly aware of the importance of caring for our environment[...]

An Affordable Solution to Rising Olive Oil Prices

We at Aceites de las Heras understand that the current market conditions have resulted in[...]

More resistant olive trees

OLIVE TREES IMPROVEMENT Increase the resistance of olive trees to droughts, extreme temperatures or limiting[...]

The bone of the olive

NEW MODEL OF RENEWABLE ENERGY The olive stone as a new model of renewable energy.[...]

Packaging and distributor

Being the first bottling and distributor of oils in the Valencian Community, the quality of[...]

Life Resilience

Life Resilience and nest boxes as a sustainable tool for natural pest control in olive[...]

EVOO gourmet edition from Olimedi

In our gourmet family of Olimedi EVOO you have the following varieties available: organic, serrana[...]

Breakfast with Olimedi oil

Do you know our rural hotel Entreviñas? A fantastic place to discover our farm and[...]

IFS Food Quality Certification

We are pleased to announce that our company Aceites de las Heras has recently obtained[...]


PROYECTOS DE DIGITALIZACIÓN DE PYME (DIGITALIZA-CV) 2023. Cofinanciado por la Unión Europea. Expediente es IMDIGA/2023/233

Col·labora: Suport a la promoció exterior de La Comunitat Valenciana 2023 Import rebut: 7085,68€

Promoció exterior de La Comunitat Valenciana